Blog Post

Fixing a Tooth Gap

Dr Alex SIlman • Apr 19, 2021
fixing a tooth gap

What is Diastema?

Diastema is the medical term for a tooth gap. In these situations, there is a gap between two or more teeth. This condition is common in children but may occur in adults too. In children, it is usually not necessary to bridge the gap as the situation usually corrects itself when the adult teeth grow in.

When Is a Tooth Gap Problematic?

Even in adults, it is not always necessary to fill in the gap. A dentist may advise doing so under the following conditions.

A Noticeable Gap Between Front Teeth

Patients may be self-conscious when they smile if the space is noticeable. The dentist may then recommend a range of cosmetic dentistry techniques to fill in the gaps.

When It Leads to Gum Disease

Some patients might not worry about the appearance of a tooth gap. The gaps can, however, create pockets along the gums that trap leftover food.

Unless properly cleaned, these areas are an ideal space for bacteria to grow. Patients with diastema are at greater risk of developing gum disease.

What Causes Teeth Gaps?

There are multiple reasons that patients may develop spaces between their teeth.

Small Teeth Relative to the Jaw

If a patient's tooth size is too small relative to their jawbone, there may be gaps between the teeth. This condition is often hereditary.

It's common for the incisors to be relatively small in comparison to the other teeth. Gaps adjacent to the canines are, therefore, reasonably common.

Missing or Crooked Teeth

If a patient loses a tooth or one of the teeth is misshapen, regardless of the reason, gaps can develop.

A Large Labial Frenum

The labial frenum is the tissue that connects the upper lip to the gum at the top of the mouth. When this tissue is larger than usual, it can create gaps between the upper front teeth.

Gum Disease

Gum disease may be both the cause and effect of a tooth gap. In patients with diseased gums, inflammation damages the underlying bone. The teeth loosen and may start to shift, leaving spaces between them.

A Problematic Swallowing Reflex

If patients push their tongue against their teeth when swallowing, the pressure may cause teeth to migrate.

Bad Habits

Lip or thumb sucking and any other habits that place pressure on the teeth may cause them to move.

How to Fix a Tooth Gap

Treatment for diastema is not always necessary, especially when it's because the teeth are too small. Patients should, however, see their dentists to find out the reason for the tooth gap. The dentist will discuss options with them to help them make an informed decision.

Patients can see which of the following diastema treatments Smile Spa provides by checking out our Cosmetic Dentistry page:

  • Orthodontic devices
  • Dental bonding
  • Crowns
  • Dental veneers
  • Dentures
  • Dental implants
  • Frenectomy

Orthodontic Devices

Modern dental devices are an effective treatment for diastema caused by overcrowded, crooked, or migrating teeth. Children and adults may benefit from orthodontic treatment. The orthodontist may suggest:

  • Lingual Fixed Braces: By bonding these to the inside of the teeth, the orthodontist ensures that no one can see them. They're an excellent treatment for people who are self-conscious about wearing braces.
  • Conventional Braces: Traditional braces are a more cost-effective option for patients on a budget. Patients may select the material used for a more natural look. Patients may choose between metal, ceramic, and clear crystal orthodontics.
  • An Inman Aligner: This removable device is comfortable, removable, and safe to use. It shifts the front teeth into the proper position without hurting the gums or affecting the jawbone.
  • Invisalign: Invisalign works similarly to braces by creating pressure on the teeth. The difference is that this device is a clear tray rather than a series of posts and elastics. It's almost invisible from the outside.

Dental Bonding

A quick solution for missing teeth, dental bonding is a cost-effective fix. The dentist fills in the gap by bonding dental resin to the tooth. The composite resin matches the color of the affected tooth and hardens in place.

Dental bonding costs less than crowns or veneers but does not last as long. It may be a good option for children who lose a primary tooth.


Crowns are a more permanent treatment than bonding. With a crown, the dentist creates a cap that covers the entire tooth. The doctor may use a crown to:

  • Repair damage to teeth
  • Hide cracked teeth, dental chips, and breaks
  • Replace a lost tooth in conjunction with implants
  • Reshape teeth or fill in a dental gap

Bonding dental crowns to the remaining tooth structure or implants secures them.

Patients may select the material the dentist uses to make the crown. Porcelain provides the most natural look but may prove expensive. Composite resin material provides similar results for far less. Patients may also opt for crowns made from metal or those with a metal core.

Porcelain Veneers

Veneers are typically considered cosmetic procedures. The process entails the removal of some enamel to make space for a covering.

Porcelain veneers only cover the front of the teeth rather than fill in gaps. They're effective for patients who have tooth loss or a gap but good oral health otherwise.

Placing veneers is a quicker treatment than crowns but takes longer than bonding. Veneers may be an expensive fix, but veneers provide the most natural finish.


Dentures are removable devices that replace missing teeth. Modern dentistry techniques anchor the dentures to an implant rather than the remaining teeth. This makes them less likely to slip when patients smile or eat.

Dental Implants

A dental implant replaces the gap left by the root of a missing tooth. The process requires surgery to anchor the implant. The patient must then wait for a few months for the bone to knit together and secure the dental implants.

The dentist can only install a tooth-colored crown after the jawbone heals. Our Blog contains articles on the topic for patients who’d like more details.


A frenectomy is a simple surgical procedure to remove excess tissue in the mouth. It's a helpful treatment when there are gaps between the two upper teeth. After a frenectomy, the dentist may recommend braces to close the gaps between teeth.

Are gaps between your teeth damaging your confidence? The Smile Spa dental team specializes in the treatment of diastema. Contact Us today and schedule your appointment to close the gap and transform your smile.

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